Expanding Universe
I only have time to briefly mention a few more interesting tidbits about creationism which will not really do any of these much justice. First, remember that one of the central founding principles of the Big Bang Theory is the “expanding universe.” Well, again, believe it or not the Bible may speak directly to this issue.
Psalm 104:2 (NLV) “You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens;”
Job 9:8 (NLV) “He alone spreads out the heavens and walks upon the waves of the sea.”
Isaiah 40:22 (NLV) – “ It is God Who sits on the throne above the earth. The people living on the earth are like grasshoppers. He spreads out the heavens like a curtain. He spreads them out like a tent to live in.”
The tense of the verbs in the Hebrew imply a continual stretching out of the heavens or universe. There are other Hebrew verbs in verses regarding creation that, on the other hand, speak of God’s creation being finished. Dr. Hugh Ross, a Scientist who is also a believer, says this is exactly what is stated by the Big Bang theory:
“This simultaneously finished and ongoing aspect of cosmic stretching is identical to the big bang concept of cosmic expansion. According to the big bang, at the creation event all the physics (specifically, the laws, constants, and equations of physics) are instantly created, designed, and finished so as to guarantee an ongoing, continual expansion of the universe at exactly the right rates with respect to time so that physical life will be possible.” (reasons.org)
The expanding universe would also fit precisely into God’s “character” or nature. He is “the Creator.” Someone who is a creator by nature must…create! God has created and is still creating. This is one reason for the creation of the world in the first place.
Of course the “limitation” or boundary of the Big Bang Theory is that it fails to answer any question or delve beyond the point of the creation from that first infinitesimal point of space and time. How did the first “anything” (atom, particle, whatever) including the scientific laws which govern the expansion get there in the first place in order to expand?
Stephen Hawking, the renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist, recently announced that perhaps that first original “something” kinda’ “popped” into existence based upon scientific laws like gravity which were in place. He never really explains how those scientific laws were present in the first place. But even this smacks directly of an “unseen” God who created the world from nothing.
I only have time to briefly mention a few more interesting tidbits about creationism which will not really do any of these much justice. First, remember that one of the central founding principles of the Big Bang Theory is the “expanding universe.” Well, again, believe it or not the Bible may speak directly to this issue.
Psalm 104:2 (NLV) “You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens;”
Job 9:8 (NLV) “He alone spreads out the heavens and walks upon the waves of the sea.”
Isaiah 40:22 (NLV) – “ It is God Who sits on the throne above the earth. The people living on the earth are like grasshoppers. He spreads out the heavens like a curtain. He spreads them out like a tent to live in.”
The tense of the verbs in the Hebrew imply a continual stretching out of the heavens or universe. There are other Hebrew verbs in verses regarding creation that, on the other hand, speak of God’s creation being finished. Dr. Hugh Ross, a Scientist who is also a believer, says this is exactly what is stated by the Big Bang theory:
“This simultaneously finished and ongoing aspect of cosmic stretching is identical to the big bang concept of cosmic expansion. According to the big bang, at the creation event all the physics (specifically, the laws, constants, and equations of physics) are instantly created, designed, and finished so as to guarantee an ongoing, continual expansion of the universe at exactly the right rates with respect to time so that physical life will be possible.” (reasons.org)
The expanding universe would also fit precisely into God’s “character” or nature. He is “the Creator.” Someone who is a creator by nature must…create! God has created and is still creating. This is one reason for the creation of the world in the first place.
Of course the “limitation” or boundary of the Big Bang Theory is that it fails to answer any question or delve beyond the point of the creation from that first infinitesimal point of space and time. How did the first “anything” (atom, particle, whatever) including the scientific laws which govern the expansion get there in the first place in order to expand?
Stephen Hawking, the renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist, recently announced that perhaps that first original “something” kinda’ “popped” into existence based upon scientific laws like gravity which were in place. He never really explains how those scientific laws were present in the first place. But even this smacks directly of an “unseen” God who created the world from nothing.