Trinity United Methodist Church
Youth Ministry
Ignite Youth Ministry (IYM)
Mission Statement
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts & plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts & plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Amplified
Our mission and desire is to co-labor in training up young disciples in the Lord, so that they may recognize who they are in Christ. That they take the things they learn and move mountains in this culture. “To turn the world upside down” for Christ. We believe our job is to equip teens to be like the biblical David & Timothy’s. Our job is not just to keep people in church but to train up and prepare the David’s & Timothy’s of this generation. The word of God will be the foundation of all that we do. (2 Tim. 4:1-2) The Holy Spirit uses the Bible to transform lives. Without the centrality of scripture, ministry loses its focus. Therefore from start to finish, Scripture will remain foundational and permeate all that we do.
Ephesians 6:19-20
And pray also for me, that utterance may be given me, that I may open my mouth to proclaim boldly the mystery of the good news. For which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it boldly and courageously, as I ought to do. Amplified
Expectations & guidelines can be quite ambiguous in many areas of life. Therefore, we believe that it is important to make it known to you as a teen and/or parent what you can expect from us and what we will expect from you. We will also provide guidelines that will be followed for all that we will do within the Trinity United Methodist Church Youth Ministry.
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US (The Youth Team & Volunteers)
We will provide a Christian peer group. We will make every effort to provide an environment where spiritual growth and fellowship can occur in the midst of Christian friendships.
We will strive to provide a team of responsible adult leaders who desire to serve others with hearts and hands and model a devoted and passionate relationship with Christ.
You can expect safe, efficient, and dependable transportation while traveling with the youth group. Drivers of all vehicles are licensed and insured.
While on youth functions, we will take the responsibility of the teens in our care (youth leaders and parent volunteers). We take the responsibility very serious while they are under our supervision. However, responsibility of teens during worship service, before and after classes, on the church parking lot, etc. lies in the hands of parents. When teen actions are brought to our attention during these times, we will direct those comments to you as parents.
We will make every effort to communicate to you as a family in every way. This will include communicating things that come to our attention about what is going on in your teen(s) life. Communication will also be provided through church bulletins, newsletters, texts or phone calls.
We will involve you in any discipline situation that may arise involving your teen(s). We strongly believe that a cooperative approach to correction returns the God-given responsibility of discipline to you as parents.
We covet your prayers as ministers in this ministry. We will only move forward as God’s people if we petition Him daily for strength, humility, growth, and the ability to look beyond ourselves. Pray for your teen(s), the youth group, and families of Trinity United Methodist Church.
We ask you to help and support us in this ministry. When decisions are made that a teen may not like, please help us by supporting us (knowing that we are making these decisions to help the group as a whole). If there is something that you would like to discuss with us please come to us personally and share it with us so that we can grow and learn to together. Please do not go to someone else and share it with them. We are making every effort with the teens to help them in the area of gossip and talking about others. We need your help in this as we model this principle to our teens. This is a Biblical principal that we must all work hard to follow (Matthew 5:22-24 & 18:15-17)
Parent’s are the number one influence in a teen’s life. We ask that you remember that you bear the primary responsibility for spiritual growth in your teen(s). There is little we can do to replace the training and instruction of a Godly parent (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). We seek to do our very best in guiding your teen(s).
Please provide us with any feedback that could be beneficial to us and the youth as a whole. Let us know of special needs and prayer requests for your teen(s) and your family.
We expect your support & understanding in enforcing guidelines & Godly behavior on all youth events and at church. Please help us convey to your teen(s) the importance and Biblical principle of respect to all the adult leaders that help the youth in any way. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN THIS.
When volunteering your time with the youth we understand that unforeseen problems arise, please do not hesitate to contact us. We understand. If possible, please give us ample notice if you cannot follow through on a commitment.
It is important when working with a youth group that we get going on time. We will always communicate a time of departure and arrival. If your teen(s) are late, they may find that we have already left. We do not wish to leave anyone behind, but we have reasons for leaving at a designated time. We need your help in this. If for some reason we will not return at a designated time, we will communicate with you as soon as possible.
ONE OTHER NOTE: After events we have adult leaders who are tired and ready to go home. Please make sure to be here promptly to pick up your teen to help us out with this.
We expect each teen to take responsibility for his/her actions.
We expect each teen to participate in all activities with the entire group when deciding to be part of a particular event, trip, or class. Exceptions for this are made in case of illness, injury, and other special circumstances.
Phillipians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.
Rules and guidelines are not put into place just to hold people down and use authority over them, but to help maintain the group and shine as Christian examples out of love for God. The following are rules & guidelines that we will work from in everything we do in order to minimize conflicts among the group and maximize spiritual growth. Most of these are common sense Christian guidelines.
We understand that each family determines what is modest for their teen(s). However, while on youth group events, there are guidelines that must be followed or the teen(s) will be asked to change clothes.
If in doubt of any of the above,
As always…
“Remember who you are and WHOSE you are!”
Youth Ministry
Ignite Youth Ministry (IYM)
Mission Statement
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts & plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts & plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Amplified
Our mission and desire is to co-labor in training up young disciples in the Lord, so that they may recognize who they are in Christ. That they take the things they learn and move mountains in this culture. “To turn the world upside down” for Christ. We believe our job is to equip teens to be like the biblical David & Timothy’s. Our job is not just to keep people in church but to train up and prepare the David’s & Timothy’s of this generation. The word of God will be the foundation of all that we do. (2 Tim. 4:1-2) The Holy Spirit uses the Bible to transform lives. Without the centrality of scripture, ministry loses its focus. Therefore from start to finish, Scripture will remain foundational and permeate all that we do.
Ephesians 6:19-20
And pray also for me, that utterance may be given me, that I may open my mouth to proclaim boldly the mystery of the good news. For which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it boldly and courageously, as I ought to do. Amplified
Expectations & guidelines can be quite ambiguous in many areas of life. Therefore, we believe that it is important to make it known to you as a teen and/or parent what you can expect from us and what we will expect from you. We will also provide guidelines that will be followed for all that we will do within the Trinity United Methodist Church Youth Ministry.
WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US (The Youth Team & Volunteers)
We will provide a Christian peer group. We will make every effort to provide an environment where spiritual growth and fellowship can occur in the midst of Christian friendships.
We will strive to provide a team of responsible adult leaders who desire to serve others with hearts and hands and model a devoted and passionate relationship with Christ.
You can expect safe, efficient, and dependable transportation while traveling with the youth group. Drivers of all vehicles are licensed and insured.
While on youth functions, we will take the responsibility of the teens in our care (youth leaders and parent volunteers). We take the responsibility very serious while they are under our supervision. However, responsibility of teens during worship service, before and after classes, on the church parking lot, etc. lies in the hands of parents. When teen actions are brought to our attention during these times, we will direct those comments to you as parents.
We will make every effort to communicate to you as a family in every way. This will include communicating things that come to our attention about what is going on in your teen(s) life. Communication will also be provided through church bulletins, newsletters, texts or phone calls.
We will involve you in any discipline situation that may arise involving your teen(s). We strongly believe that a cooperative approach to correction returns the God-given responsibility of discipline to you as parents.
We covet your prayers as ministers in this ministry. We will only move forward as God’s people if we petition Him daily for strength, humility, growth, and the ability to look beyond ourselves. Pray for your teen(s), the youth group, and families of Trinity United Methodist Church.
We ask you to help and support us in this ministry. When decisions are made that a teen may not like, please help us by supporting us (knowing that we are making these decisions to help the group as a whole). If there is something that you would like to discuss with us please come to us personally and share it with us so that we can grow and learn to together. Please do not go to someone else and share it with them. We are making every effort with the teens to help them in the area of gossip and talking about others. We need your help in this as we model this principle to our teens. This is a Biblical principal that we must all work hard to follow (Matthew 5:22-24 & 18:15-17)
Parent’s are the number one influence in a teen’s life. We ask that you remember that you bear the primary responsibility for spiritual growth in your teen(s). There is little we can do to replace the training and instruction of a Godly parent (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). We seek to do our very best in guiding your teen(s).
Please provide us with any feedback that could be beneficial to us and the youth as a whole. Let us know of special needs and prayer requests for your teen(s) and your family.
We expect your support & understanding in enforcing guidelines & Godly behavior on all youth events and at church. Please help us convey to your teen(s) the importance and Biblical principle of respect to all the adult leaders that help the youth in any way. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN THIS.
When volunteering your time with the youth we understand that unforeseen problems arise, please do not hesitate to contact us. We understand. If possible, please give us ample notice if you cannot follow through on a commitment.
It is important when working with a youth group that we get going on time. We will always communicate a time of departure and arrival. If your teen(s) are late, they may find that we have already left. We do not wish to leave anyone behind, but we have reasons for leaving at a designated time. We need your help in this. If for some reason we will not return at a designated time, we will communicate with you as soon as possible.
ONE OTHER NOTE: After events we have adult leaders who are tired and ready to go home. Please make sure to be here promptly to pick up your teen to help us out with this.
We expect each teen to take responsibility for his/her actions.
- We expect each teen to cooperate and respect all adult and adult leaders.
- We expect each teen to respect other teens by lifting each other up rather than tearing them down.
- We expect each teen to respect the property of others, the church building, and the areas and property we visit while away.
We expect each teen to participate in all activities with the entire group when deciding to be part of a particular event, trip, or class. Exceptions for this are made in case of illness, injury, and other special circumstances.
Phillipians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.
Rules and guidelines are not put into place just to hold people down and use authority over them, but to help maintain the group and shine as Christian examples out of love for God. The following are rules & guidelines that we will work from in everything we do in order to minimize conflicts among the group and maximize spiritual growth. Most of these are common sense Christian guidelines.
- No drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, fireworks, weapons, pornographic material or anything of the sort will be allowed on ANY event.
- Prescription and non-prescription medicines should be discussed between a parent and the appropriate adult leader attending the event. Instructions in writing are always preferred.
- Jesus Christ is to be lifted up in all actions and attitudes of those participating in events and activities. No disruptive behavior will be allowed. That includes, but is not limited to fighting, cussing, vandalism, pranks, disrespect of authority , etc. Speech that is inappropriate, crude, sexual in nature, insulting, downgrading, etc. will not be tolerated.
- Provisions are made to satisfy basic first aid needs.
- “Permission/Medical Release” forms must be on file for your teen in order to attend events and activities.
- PDA is not acceptable at any time on youth group events or activities. Dating couples should remember to set a Christian example to everyone. Physical contact should be kept to a minimum. Holding hands is the limit of PDA that is allowed of all in the youth group.
- To encourage the growth of relationships and interaction among those in the youth group while traveling, no audio players, video games, and/or cellular phones will be allowed. (Cellular phones may be kept in pocket/bag and used only to communicate with parents about arrival and departure, or in case of emergency). Audio players and video games may be allowed on trips over 7 hours. Absolutely nothing may be played or listened to that is questionable. (USE COMMONS SENSE AND CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES)
- Clothing should be modest at all times. That is, if you have doubts about what you are wearing or taking to wear, it is probably not acceptable. No bare anything that is normally covered by clothing will be acceptable at any time. If in doubt about appropriate clothing to wear, first check with your parents or adult chaperone. Issues regarding proper water park/swimming attire will be addressed as needed with that event and/or activity.
We understand that each family determines what is modest for their teen(s). However, while on youth group events, there are guidelines that must be followed or the teen(s) will be asked to change clothes.
If in doubt of any of the above,
As always…
“Remember who you are and WHOSE you are!”