Eye-Opening Evangelism Statistics (Local and World)
Notice percentage of "Evangelical Protestant" Christians (65%) compared to those 'Unclaimed" or no religious affiliation (18%) in 1980 in Franklin County. Then compare to the chart at the right, thirty years later in 2010. (homefacts.com)
A different chart which shows the same statistics as of 2010. Notice the use of the category of "none" instead of "unclaimed." These are, again, those who claim no religious affiliation whatsoever. (city-date.com)
This chart by Lifeway reveals lots of information about the average Christian and how they share their faith. Although most Christians believe it is important to share their faith, very few actually do. (Lifeway Research)
70% of the world's population have "high" or "very high" restrictions on religion.
In thirty years, note the difference. "Evangelical Protestants" down from 65% to 42% while those "unclaimed" to any religious affiliation rose from 18% to 44% making it the largest category of people today. (homefacts.com)
Eye-opening is the tremendous fluctuations (not good ones) with "Evangelical Protestants" and "Nones" in just ten years! The "None" category increased a whopping 33% in just ten years in Franklin County! (city-data.com)
The two main reason people do not think attending church is important (Barna Research)
Based on current trends, Islam will be, by far, the fastest growing religions in the next several decades. Christianity is expected to simply keep pace with the population growth, showing that the church is doing little to reach the unchurched throughout the world.