"Romans 1:19-20"
ROMANS 1:19-20
There is one final Scripture passage crucial to our study of God’s creation and its purpose in regards to humankind and salvation. Romans 1:19-20 (NLT) - 19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.”
Let me repeat that all of God’s creation shouts at the top of its lungs, “There is a God!” To deny a Divine Creator over this universe is paramount to committing reason and faith treason. Common sense cries out for something or Someone far greater than us. In order to refuse its acceptance as truth, we must methodically and intentionally deny this “in our face” truth encompassing us and within us as part of our imago Dei or “image of God” creation. Our very “being” or existence cries out for a Creator. As a matter of fact, we are (or should be) the very pinnacle of God’s creative masterpiece revealing the Grand Designer.
As this passage from Romans indicates, there is “no excuse for not knowing God,” that is, the existence of a Divine Creator Being. In other words, even with our depraved minds due to sin, God has revealed Himself within His creation. People should be able to not only admit to the existence of God but also begin to understand certain characteristics about God from His creation.
Now, does believing in the existence of a Creator result in “salvation?” The answer is “no.” Nevertheless, it is what I often call “the necessary first step” toward our salvation. When we finally recognize the fact of our own “existence” along with billions of others along with an entire creation, then we begin to ask questions. “How did we get here?” “Why are we here?” “If there is a God, what does He want?” “Can we know this Creator?” These questions, when asked sincerely, lead us into deeper and deeper truths as the Spirit of God leads us. They will guide us directly to God’s full revelation in Jesus Christ and salvation through faith in Him.