The Big Bang Theory
Again, without getting overly technical, the proof for the Big Bang Theory consists of the expanding universe, the abundance of light elements hydrogen and helium in the atmosphere, and the cosmic radiation background. Since scientists theorize the universe is expanding at a constant rate, they have thus attempted to work backwards. If the universe is indeed expanding then working backwards would contract the universe beginning in a tiny, miniscule (less than microscopic) single point of creation.
Now, believe it or not, the original theory of the expanding universe by a Roman Catholic Priest was a hard pill to swallow at the time for scientists. Why? Due to the fact that early Greek philosophers discounted God entirely and thus eliminated Him as the possible Creator of the universe by declaring that the universe had “eternally existed.” That’s right. It was here all along. Consequently, the world needed no Creator and no God.
This theory regarding the creation of the universe at one point in time seemed far too eerily similar to another creation story, that of the Holy Scriptures. And as we have stated over and over again in this series, “man” wants to be God. So any Scientists with a previous secular, atheistic bias were agonizingly slow to promote the theory.
You see, to say that our universe burst forth into creation at a specific point in time and space is exactly what the Bible has always stated. How much closer do we need science to be before we truly believe in God? Dr. Robert Jastrow, Director Emeritus of Mount Wilson Observatory and founder of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies has written "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."
Let the scientists continue to research and study and contemplate and theorize and prove and experiment, because every mountain of knowledge they scale will lead them closer to the heavenly Creator. As I said at the beginning there was enormous raw power or energy present at the time of creation. “the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2). Here we have God’s Spirit, His power, “hovering” over the earth without form and void until God spoke and then Kaboom! Blam! Boom! Kapow! Wham! As God spoke through His Son Jesus Christ the power of His Spirit was unleashed as He created something out of nothing, which only God can do.
God said “Let there be light,” and light burst forth.
Again, without getting overly technical, the proof for the Big Bang Theory consists of the expanding universe, the abundance of light elements hydrogen and helium in the atmosphere, and the cosmic radiation background. Since scientists theorize the universe is expanding at a constant rate, they have thus attempted to work backwards. If the universe is indeed expanding then working backwards would contract the universe beginning in a tiny, miniscule (less than microscopic) single point of creation.
Now, believe it or not, the original theory of the expanding universe by a Roman Catholic Priest was a hard pill to swallow at the time for scientists. Why? Due to the fact that early Greek philosophers discounted God entirely and thus eliminated Him as the possible Creator of the universe by declaring that the universe had “eternally existed.” That’s right. It was here all along. Consequently, the world needed no Creator and no God.
This theory regarding the creation of the universe at one point in time seemed far too eerily similar to another creation story, that of the Holy Scriptures. And as we have stated over and over again in this series, “man” wants to be God. So any Scientists with a previous secular, atheistic bias were agonizingly slow to promote the theory.
You see, to say that our universe burst forth into creation at a specific point in time and space is exactly what the Bible has always stated. How much closer do we need science to be before we truly believe in God? Dr. Robert Jastrow, Director Emeritus of Mount Wilson Observatory and founder of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies has written "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."
Let the scientists continue to research and study and contemplate and theorize and prove and experiment, because every mountain of knowledge they scale will lead them closer to the heavenly Creator. As I said at the beginning there was enormous raw power or energy present at the time of creation. “the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2). Here we have God’s Spirit, His power, “hovering” over the earth without form and void until God spoke and then Kaboom! Blam! Boom! Kapow! Wham! As God spoke through His Son Jesus Christ the power of His Spirit was unleashed as He created something out of nothing, which only God can do.
God said “Let there be light,” and light burst forth.