What did God do about it?
All is hopeless. God’s original purpose has been foiled. But why didn’t this Creator God pour out His wrath at that time and fully and completely destroy humankind and the entire world? Besides the righteousness, the holiness, and the justice of God which is perfect, there was another characteristic of God at work. Instead of rightly wiping us off of the face of the earth and then consequently doing likewise to the remainder of creation, “the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them.” What is going on here? I can almost hear the quizzical whispers of the angels.
“Do it Lord! Let’em have it. They deserve it. You must! You are holy and worthy and pure and innocent and righteous. You cannot tolerate this evil, open rebellion and their blatant “in your face” sin.”
After all, it appears from Scripture that God had previously done just that! That ol’ serpent was not always a creepy, crawly critter. No, as a matter of fact, he was an angel in heaven who had similar ambitions as Adam and Eve; that is, to become god himself. He was subsequently banished from heaven. Now his goal is to annihilate anything that shows forth God’s glory including predominantly mankind.
It worked. He won…or did he? I can imagine Satan considering the judgment rendered, “I wonder why God is not exterminating the vermin (Adam and Eve) instantly?” What DID God do? He clothed Adam and Eve. He took care of them. Whoa Nelly! What is happening here?
Next, during the sentencing of the serpent (Satan) for his role in Adam and Eve’s transgression God adds an intriguing comment (Gen. 3:15, NCV):
“I will make you and the woman enemies to each other. Your
descendants and her descendants will be enemies. One of her descendants will crush your head, and you will bite his heel.”
Most (including me) believe this is the first Messianic prophecy or prophecy predicting the future coming of the Savior of the world. Ah! So there is hope yet. Besides God’s holiness and justice and righteousness there is another, perhaps overriding, character of God on display…love, mercy, and compassion. How can both love and justice co-exist?
There is only one way to satisfy both God’s justice and His love. What an ingenious plan! God is not yet defeated. The war is not over. There is hope in one of Adam and Eve’s “descendants” who will “crush the head” of the serpent, sin, and evil. But wait a minute; THIS is your plan God? No way! This cannot be. It is too much of a sacrifice. O God, how could you trade your own innocent, loving, perfect Son (the Son of God) for these rebellious, wicked traitors?!!!
In order to appease God’s wrath (which is perfectly just since we are guilty!) the sentence must be carried out. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)! Death is the sentence. But how about God’s…love? In order to also satisfy God’s unconditional love for His creation He Himself in the form of His innocent, sinless Son will step in and take the punishment upon Himself.
In this way and only in this way will both love and justice be satisfied. Although an ingenious plan, is it possible? What kind of love is this…God, the Creator of the universe, coming to earth as a “man,” becoming a part of His creation, walking in the shoes of fallen, treacherous man? This is unheard of. Plus, taking their punishment upon Himself? Absurd! Illogical! To us, but not to the mind of God.
All is hopeless. God’s original purpose has been foiled. But why didn’t this Creator God pour out His wrath at that time and fully and completely destroy humankind and the entire world? Besides the righteousness, the holiness, and the justice of God which is perfect, there was another characteristic of God at work. Instead of rightly wiping us off of the face of the earth and then consequently doing likewise to the remainder of creation, “the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them.” What is going on here? I can almost hear the quizzical whispers of the angels.
“Do it Lord! Let’em have it. They deserve it. You must! You are holy and worthy and pure and innocent and righteous. You cannot tolerate this evil, open rebellion and their blatant “in your face” sin.”
After all, it appears from Scripture that God had previously done just that! That ol’ serpent was not always a creepy, crawly critter. No, as a matter of fact, he was an angel in heaven who had similar ambitions as Adam and Eve; that is, to become god himself. He was subsequently banished from heaven. Now his goal is to annihilate anything that shows forth God’s glory including predominantly mankind.
It worked. He won…or did he? I can imagine Satan considering the judgment rendered, “I wonder why God is not exterminating the vermin (Adam and Eve) instantly?” What DID God do? He clothed Adam and Eve. He took care of them. Whoa Nelly! What is happening here?
Next, during the sentencing of the serpent (Satan) for his role in Adam and Eve’s transgression God adds an intriguing comment (Gen. 3:15, NCV):
“I will make you and the woman enemies to each other. Your
descendants and her descendants will be enemies. One of her descendants will crush your head, and you will bite his heel.”
Most (including me) believe this is the first Messianic prophecy or prophecy predicting the future coming of the Savior of the world. Ah! So there is hope yet. Besides God’s holiness and justice and righteousness there is another, perhaps overriding, character of God on display…love, mercy, and compassion. How can both love and justice co-exist?
There is only one way to satisfy both God’s justice and His love. What an ingenious plan! God is not yet defeated. The war is not over. There is hope in one of Adam and Eve’s “descendants” who will “crush the head” of the serpent, sin, and evil. But wait a minute; THIS is your plan God? No way! This cannot be. It is too much of a sacrifice. O God, how could you trade your own innocent, loving, perfect Son (the Son of God) for these rebellious, wicked traitors?!!!
In order to appease God’s wrath (which is perfectly just since we are guilty!) the sentence must be carried out. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)! Death is the sentence. But how about God’s…love? In order to also satisfy God’s unconditional love for His creation He Himself in the form of His innocent, sinless Son will step in and take the punishment upon Himself.
In this way and only in this way will both love and justice be satisfied. Although an ingenious plan, is it possible? What kind of love is this…God, the Creator of the universe, coming to earth as a “man,” becoming a part of His creation, walking in the shoes of fallen, treacherous man? This is unheard of. Plus, taking their punishment upon Himself? Absurd! Illogical! To us, but not to the mind of God.