"Why It Never Gets Old"
The reason a butterfly fluttering through the air, a red fox trotting across a field of wildflowers, a cumulous cloud floating across the sky with a background of a blue, a rocky formation in a steep cliff, a baby smiling, a walk in the park, or a litter of puppies never gets old is because we, as children of God, have the ability to see God’s beauty in each. Therefore with every observation we connect it, and thus ourselves, to God.
It brings us into a closer relationship with God. It connects us to Him because it has a part of Him in it as do all created things with their creators. It draws us closer to Him. We get to know Him a little better. We fellowship with Him at that moment. We become more like Him. And when we connect to Him, it opens up even newer and more intriguing mysteries about Him. It never gets old because each time we “experience” God in a moment of time, we are drawn into a closer union with Him which is our intended overarching purpose in life. This is an the “end goal” of life itself.
The results are manifold. We are happier. We sense His presence. We experience peace because we more fully realize He is somehow in control of all things.
It is a similar concept yet a stark contrast to sin. When we sin, unless we sincerely repent before God, it precipitates a downward spiral. Since we have rebelled against God’s will, our thoughts, our perspective, and our desires have changed…and not for the good. We become more and more absorbed in our sin which slowly sucks more and more abundant life of God out of us.
On the other hand, when we begin to focus more intently upon God’s glory revealed to us in every moment of the day, in every situation we face, in every person we meet, in every word we say, in every project we pursue, and in every thought we think, then our minds, hearts, and wills become intertwined with Christ’s mind and heart. The two begin to become as one, which was Jesus’ prayer for us in John 17, which also then helps us to dig into the deeper and richer soil of God’s mysteries.
Some of you might be asking, “There are plenty of people who appear to thoroughly enjoy nature and such, and they do not even believe in God.” This is partially true. People who are not believers can certainly be awed by God’s creation even if they do not believe in the Creator. It is still present for all to see, feel, hear and experience. God is a kind and compassion God…to all.
Romans 2:4 (GW) reminds us all of God’s purpose, “4 Do you have contempt for God, who is very kind to you, puts up with you, and deals patiently with you? Don’t you realize that it is God’s kindness that is trying to lead you to him and change the way you think and act?” God is kindhearted, gentle, compassionate, merciful, loving, and patient to ALL in order that ALL may turn to Him with their whole hearts and be forgiven and saved. We, as God’s own children, should be at the forefront, far out ahead of anyone else in publicly proclaiming our God’s goodness.
Matthew 5:45 (NKJV) – “for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Both the just and the unjust, the evil and the good, are blessed by the rising of the sun and the gentle rains giving the earth new life. All of us, believers and atheists alike, are blessed by the benefits of God’s marvelous creation (and other blessings). It is God’s heartfelt desire that this kindness poured out upon us will soften our calloused hearts of sin and chase us into the arms of a loving God.